ECA control number: 28107 (old #23608)
Record level: Listing
Record type: Timeline year
Artist time line: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]
Year: 1888
Subject age: 40 years old
United States—California—San Francisco
United States—California—Port Washington
United States—New York—New York
World news:
Local news:
– Objecting to the management and funding methods, time commitment that teaching required at the California School of Design (San Francisco Art Association School), Carlsen resigned by about 1888.
– Carlsen takes a break from teaching in San Francisco at about October, 1888 to teach in New York City at the Gotham Art Students at 697 Broadway, New York, NY.
Paintings: (5)
– Along the shore, Port Washington, CA, ca.1888.
– The boat house, 1888.
– Hanging cod and lobster, ca.1888.
– Still life with copper brass and onions, 1888.
– The golden calf, ca.1888.
Exhibitions: (4)
1888 American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York, NY, “Great sale of foreign and American paintings”, April 19-20. Shown “Roses (15)” Paris
1888 Mechanics Institute, San Francisco, CA, “Twenty-third industrial exhibition of the Mechanics’ Institute of The City of San Francisco”, August 7 – September 15. Shown “Copy after Chardin”, “Cape Ann Sands”, “A Gray Day”, “Cod Fish” (won $35 prize)
1888 National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “63rd annual exhibition”, November 23-December 19.
1888 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, “Works of art exhibited on the second floor“, Winter, 1888-1889.
Articles: (2)
– The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, LA, “Gotham gossip”, October 4, 1888, page 2.
– Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, “Talks on art at Berkeley”, March 27, 1888, page 1.
Work & documents: