19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Madonna of the magnolias, ca.1912.

Emil Carlsen : Madonna of the magnolias, ca.1912.
Emil Carlsen : Madonna of the magnolias, ca.1912.


ECA Record Control Number: 1839

Archives of American Art #: JUL J0047801 [Digital photo archive]

Record Level: Item

Record Type: Movable Work

Work Title: Madonna of the magnolias

Alternate Work Titles:
Madonna of the magnolias

Work Date: ca.1912 [date is based on first known publishing]

Work Creator: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Work Medium: Oil on canvas
Work Dimensions: ? x ? inches

Inscribed/Signed Front:
Location: At lower left.
Dated: No.
Text: ‘Emil Carlsen’.

Verso: unknown

ECA Category: Still life
ECA Sub-Category: Orientalia

Archives of American Art Subjects:
Still Life
Still Life — Other
Still Life — Other — Orientalia

Description of Work:

ca.1921 Private collection of [unknown] ;
1921 ( Ferargil Gallery [1915-1955], [?-?] 63 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10003 | [1927-?] 37 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022 | [?-1927] 607 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017 | [1915- ] 24 East 49th Street, New York, NY 10017 ) ;
before 1919 Private collection of Robert J. Handley [1881-1965], Esquire, New York, NY ;
ca.1912 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition History:
1919 Macbeth Gallery, New York, NY, “Loan exhibition of paintings by Emil Carlsen from the collection of Mr. Robert J. Handley, Esq. of New York“, December.

– California Art Research, volume four, Abstract from WPA Project 2874 (O.P. 65-3-3632), San Francisco, CA, January, 1937, page 51.
– New York Times, New York, NY, “Quietness and slow time: Carlsen’s heritage expressed itself tellingly in beautiful, accomplished painting” by Elisabeth Luther Cary, January 10, 1932, illustrated: b&w.
– The International Studio, New York, NY, “Emil Carlsen – painter, teacher” by F. Newlin Price, July, 1922, volume 75, number 302, pages 300-308, illustrated: b&w.
– American Art News, New York, NY, Volume 19, Number 13, January 8, 1921, illustrated: b&w on page 3.
– Pots and Pans or Studies In Still-Life Painting by Arthur Edwin Bye, Princeton, NJ, 1921, pages 213-222, not illustrated.
– Macbeth Gallery, New York, NY, “Loan exhibition of paintings by Emil Carlsen from the collection of Mr. Robert J. Handley, Esq. of New York“, December, 1919.
– The International Studio, New York, NY, ” “, May, 1912, volume 46.
– Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, Image #JUL J0047801.

Related Works:

ECA Notes:

– California Art Research, volume four, Abstract from WPA Project 2874 (O.P. 65-3-3632), San Francisco, CA, January, 1937, page 51.
…”In Carlson’s work, the visits of mysticism are brief and far between, but when they happen, they strike a deep note, intensified by their naturalness and implicity. The large painting of Christ, advancing over a vast expanse of water, (‘0, ye of Little Faith’), is the most obvious example,but not the one that remains longest in memory. That, which most profoundly interprets the wonder lurking in our minds— whatever means is taken to crush it— is a painting, with its subject a little wooden figure, an early French carving, apparently, to which is given the title, ‘Madonna of the Magnolias’, a stiff little child. Nothing of awkwardness or stiffness is abated in the painting, but from the whole emanates a feeling of the miracle of life, a recognition of the power of the unseen and unknown world, created, not made, blurring the succinct appeal of a mechanical age, and reaching a depth of consciousness unplumbed by machine, incoherent, until art gives it a local habitation— if not a name.”…
…”Four or five of Carlsen’a best still-lifes are in the collection of Mr. Robert Hanley. One of these is called–‘The Madonna of the Magnolias’ and shows a thirteenth century polychrome figure.”…

Price History:


Document Information

Document Permalink:

Digital-born Document Number:

Digital Document Provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document License:
Creative Commons Corporation shareAlike (sa) license. Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image License:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record Birth Date:
January 20, 2015

Last Update:
March 9, 2017