19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Ming vases [and ginger jar], 1931.

Emil Carlsen : Ming vases and ginger jar, 1931.
Emil Carlsen : Ming vases and ginger jar, 1931.


ECA record control #: 27333 (old #1785)

Archives of American Art #: 83940032 [Art Inventories], JUL J0047809 [Digital Photo Archive]

Record level: Item

Record type: Movable work

Work title: Ming vases (and ginger jar)  [ECA re-named to help clarification]

Alternate work titles:
2018 : Ming vases (and ginger jar)  [auction house adapted ECA name]
2016 : Ming vases [and ginger jar]  [ECA re-named to help clarification]
1975 : Ming vases  [from exhibition catalog]
1975 : Ming vases  [from exhibition catalog]
1958 : Chinese porcelain [from exhibition catalog]
1932 : Chinese porcelain [from exhibition catalog]

Work date: 1931  [from painting date on front]

Work creator: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Work medium: Oil on canvas
Work dimensions: 30 x 23 inches

Inscribed / signed:
Location: At lower left.
Dated: yes
Text: ‘Emil. Carlsen. 1931.’.

Verso :

Marking type: Handwritten numbers in black felt tip marker.
Location: Top left corner of verso backing board.
Text: ‘23555-1 [horizontally crossed out with two lines] / C25312-1’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten white horizontal rectangular gallery label [yellowed].
Location: Top left corner of verso backing board.
Text: ‘HAMMER GALLERIES [printed, centered] / 51 EAST 57th STREET NEW YORK NY 10022 [printed smaller font, centered] / J 23555-1 CARLSEN, Emil 1853-1932 [typewritten] / Ec. Danish [typewritten] / “The Ming Vases” [typewritten] / Oil/Canvas: 32 1/8 x 25 1/8 Inches [typewritten] / SDLL: Emil Carlsen 1931 [typewritten] / EXHIBITED: Southern Alleghenies / Museum of Art Oct/Nov 1977 [typewritten]’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten white horizontal rectangular museum exhibition label.
Location: Top middle of verso backing board.
Text: ‘[printed logo in an ‘A’ shape left justified] / Greenville County Museum of Art [printed, rounded font, middle right justified] / 420 College Street [printed, rounded font, middle right justified] / Greenville, South Carolina 29601 [printed, rounded font, middle right justified] / [separating printed line] / Emil Carlsen (1931) [typewritten, left justified] / The Ming Vases [typewritten, underlined, left justified] / AMERICAN REALIST AND IMPRESSIONIST [typewritten, left justified] / PAINTINGS from the collection of [typewritten, left justified] / Mr. and Mrs. Haig Tashjian [typewritten, left justified] / March 10 – April 22, 1984 / [separating printed line]’.

Marking type: Printed and typed white horizontally rectangular museum exhibition label.
Location: Top right corner of verso backing board.
Text: ‘PARRISH ART MUSEUM – EXHIBITION LABEL [printed, centered] / SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11976 [printed smaller font, centered] / EXHIBITION [printed, left justified] [dotted line] PAINTINGS FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. & MRS. HAIG TASHJIAN [typewritten] / DATE [printed, left justified] [dotted line] April 17 – June 6, 1982 / ARTIST [printed, left justified] [dotted line] Emil Carlsen / TITLE [printed, left justified] [dotted line] “The Ming Vases” [typewritten] / MEDIUM [printed, left justified] [dotted line] Oil on Canvas [typewritten] SIZE [dotted line] [left blank] / LENDER [printed, left justified] [dotted line] Mr. & Mrs. Haig Tashjian [typewritten] / MUSEUM NUMBER [printed, left justified] [dotted line] [left blank]’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten white horizontal rectangular museum exhibition label.
Location: Top right of verso backing board [below Parrish Art Museum label].
Text: ‘October/November 1977 [typewritten, center justified] / SOUTHERN ALLEGHENIES MUSEUM [printed, center justified]/ OF ART [printed, center justified] / Exhibition: [printed, left justified] The Art of Emil and Dines [typewritten, left justified] / Carlsen [typewritten, left justified] / Title: [printed, left justified] The Ming Vases [typewritten, left justified] / Emil Carlsen [typewritten, left justified] / Medium: [printed, left justified] Oil/canvas [typewritten, left justified] / Signed: [printed, left justified] Emil Carlsen/1931 [typewritten, left justified] / Date: [printed, left justified] 1931 [typewritten, left justified] / Catalog number: [printed, left justified] [left blank] / Size: [printed, left justified] 301/2 x 23 [typewritten, left justified]’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten white horizontal rectangular gallery label.
Location: Center middle of verso backing board [below Greenville County Museum of Art label].
Text: ‘Joan Michelman Ltd. [printed, center justified] / 23 East 74th Street New York, N.Y. 10021 [printed, center justified] / 212 535-4524 [printed, center justified] / February 9, 1987 [typewritten, left justified] / EMIL CARLSEN [typewritten, left justified] / (1853-1932) [typewritten, left justified] / The Ming Vases [typewritten, underlined, left justified] / oil on canvas [typewritten, left justified] / 32 x 25 inches [typewritten, left justified] / signed and dated lower left [typewritten, left justified] / AMERICAN ART 1870 1940 EUROPEAN ART 1850 1920 [printed, center justified]’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten white horizontal rectangular gallery label.
Location: Center middle of verso backing board [right of Joan Michelman Ltd. label].
Text: ‘[printed with white knockout type Vance Jordan logo, left justified] / VANCE JORDAN FINE ART INC. [printed, left justified on logo] / 958 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10022 Tel (212) 570-9500 [printed, left justified on logo] / Quiet Magic: The Still-Life Paintings [typewritten, center left justified] / of Emil Carlsen [typewritten, center left justified] / October 28 – December 10, 1999 [typewritten, center left justified] / (illustrated in catalogue) [typewritten, center left justified] ‘.

Marking type: Pencil handwritten script white horizontal rectangular label with heavy blue border and thin white line border inside.
Location: Bottom left of verso backing board.
Text: ‘M. R. RICE [handwritten in ball point pen, center justified] / 22 E 41ST [handwritten in ball point pen, center justified] / NYC [handwritten in ball point pen, center justified] / Emil Carlsen [handwritten in ball point pen, left justified] / 24 x 32 1/2 – sight [handwritten in ball point pen, center justified] / 26 3/4 x 35 1/4 frame. [handwritten in ball point pen, center justified]’.

Marking type: White horizontal rectangular label.
Location: Bottom left of verso backing board covered by the pencil handwritten script label [above].
Text: ‘M R? B[?] [?] [?] / [illegible word] / Emil Carlsen / [illegible] / [illegible]’.

Marking type: Printed white horizontal rectangular bar code label.
Location: Bottom right of verso backing board.
Text: ‘[printed bar code] / [illegible type below]’.

ECA category: Still-life
ECA sub-category: Orientalia

Archives of American Art subjects:
Still Life
Still Life — Other
Still Life — Other — Container
Still Life — Other — Vase
Ethnic — Chinese

Description of work:
A vertical composition still life with three Asian ceramic vessels set on a brown/sand base and background.  In the foreground sits a white and blue figurative pattern ginger jar with black lid.  In the mid-ground on the right, next to the ginger jar, is a white and blue patterned tall Eastern Zhou-style vase.  In the background on the left is an additional tall Eastern Zhou-style vase in white with red/pink figurative pattern of two figures on a horse.  The space has dried flowers and stems strewn throughout.  The background is a brown/sand color. – ECA

Provenance / ownership:
2018 Private collection of [unknown] ;
2018 ( Christie’s [1766- ], Rockefeller Center, 20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020 ) ;
after ca.1987 Private collection of [unknown], New York, NY ;
1987 ( Michelman Fine Art [1975- ] | Joan Michelman, Ltd., 23 East 74th Street, New York, NY 10021, acquired February 9 ) ;
ca.1979 Private collection of Haig E Tashjian [1925-2013 or 1909-1990] & Hermine[?] E.[?] Tashjian [1925?- ], New York, NY | Laguna Niguel, CA ;
ca.1979 ( Hammer Galleries [1928- ], 32 East 67th Street, Second Floor, New York, NY 10065 ) ;
ca.1978 Private collection of [unknown], Baltimore, MD ;
1975 ( Robert M Rice Gallery [ca.1975-ca.1982], [ca.1978-ca.1982] 2010 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX 77056 |  [ca.1975-ca.1977] 2734 Virginia Street, Houston, TX 77098, part of the owner’s private collection ) ;
1975 ( Wortsman Rowe Fine Arts Inc [1972-1975], 516 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94102 ) ;
1975 Estate of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ;
1966 Private collection of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ;
before 1966 Private estate of Dines Carlsen [1901-1966], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s son ;
1932 Private collection of Luella May (Ruby) Carlsen [c.1869-before 1966], New York, NY, the artist’s wife ;
1931 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition history:
2018 Christie’s [1766- ], New York, NY, “Sale #16084 – American art”, May 22.
1999 Vance Jordan Gallery, New York, NY, “Emil Carlsen: Quiet Magic“, October 28 – December 10.
1985 Bruce Museum of Arts and Science [1912- ], Greenwich, CT, “The still life paintings of Emil Carlsen”, March 31 – May 5.
1984 Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, SC, “American realist and impressionist painting from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Haig Tashjian“, March 10 – April 22.
1982-1983 Parrish Art Museum [1898- ], Southampton, New York, Paintings from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Haig Tashjian“, April 17 – June 6 ; The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York, January 10 – March 20.
1980 Grand Central Art Galleries [1923-1966], New York, NY [sponsor], “American realism 1880-1980“, O’Meara Gallery Ltd., Santa Fe, October 4 – November 1, 1980 ; Kirkpatrick Center, Oklahoma City, November 9 – December 6, 1980.
1979 Grand Central Art Galleries [1923-1966], New York, NY, “Impressionist moods : an American interpretation”, April 17 – May 5.
1977 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Loretto [1967- ], Loretto, PA, “Pere et fils : art of Emil and Dines Carlsen“, August 20 – October 23.
1975 Wortsman Rowe Galleries Inc [1972-1975], San Francisco, CA, “The art of Emil Carlsen: 1853-1932“, January 10-February 21 ; Rubicon Gallery, Los Altos, CA, January 17-February 28 ; The El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, TX, March 2-March 30 ; Robert Rice Gallery, Houston, TX, April 10-May ; Coe Kerr Gallery, New York, NY, June-July ; The Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, San Diego, CA, August 20-October 10 ; The Norton Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, FL, November – December.
1958 Grand Central Art Galleries [1923-1966], New York, NY, “Memorial exhibition of Emil Carlsen, N. A. 1853-1932″, January 14-25.
1932 Grand Central Art Galleries [1923-1966], New York, NY, “Exhibition of paintings and sculpture contributed by artist members“, November.  [This needs cross reference and may actually be referring to another Grand Central Art Gallery exhibition for “The American exhibition at the Venice international”, 1932.]

References / citations:
– Christies [1766- ], New York, NY, online auction catalog, “Sale #16084 – American art”, May 22, 2018, lot #74, illustrated : color.
– Sent new images and information directly from Christie’s auction house on March 28, 2018, email id#VI1PR07MB3277BD9D59D8B59CE560B8D7DCA30@VI1PR07MB3277.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com.
– Emil Carlsen : conscious painting by William Eric Indursky, Emil Carlsen Archives, New York, NY, 2017, figure #209, illustrated : color on page 205.
– Soren Emil Carlsen : the Hammershoi of Manhattan by Kim Lykke Jensen, Narayana Press, Gylling, Denmark, 2008, illustrated : color, page 81, figure 63.
– Vance Jordan Fine Art, New York, NY, exhibition catalog, “Quiet magic : the still-life paintings of Emil Carlsen“, October 28 – December 10, 1999, #43.
– “The art of Emil Carlsen : mastery of the mundane” by J.M. HolzerB.A., thesis, Princeton University, 1997, pages 44-45, illustrated : plate 17.
– Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT, exhibition catalog, “The still life paintings of Emil Carlsen”, March 31 – May 5, 1985, illustrated : b&w.
– Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, Paintings from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Haig Tashjian“, April 17 – June 6, 1982 ; The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York, January 10 – March 20, page 53, illustrated : color on page 36 as figure #20 & in b&w on page 53.
– Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, NY [sponsor], exhibition catalog, “American realism 1880-1980“, O’Meara Gallery Ltd., Santa Fe, October 4 – November 1, 1980 ; Kirkpatrick Center, Oklahoma City, November 9 – December 6, 1980, #5, illustrated : b&w on page 10, figure #6.
– Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, NY, exhibition catalog, “Impressionist moods : an American interpretation“, April 17 – May 5, 1979, pages 1, 8, 10, 15-16, #17 shown as The ming vases, not illustrated.
– Southwest Art Magazine, Houston, TX, “Emil Carlsen”, April, 1975, page 34, illustrated : color?.
– Illuminator, “Haig Tashjian : ‘A Proud Possessor’” by R.G. Pisano, Winter, 1978-79, page 21, illustrated : color?.
– Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA, exhibition catalog, “Pere et fils : art of Emil and Dines Carlsen“, August 20 – October 23, 1977, #32, illustrated : color.
– Rubicon-Wortsman Pub., San Francisco, CA, exhibition catalog, ”Art of Emil Carlsen : 1853-1932”, 1975, pages 18 & 91, #36, illustrated : color on page 13.
– Southwest Art magazine, “Emil Carlsen“, April, 1975, pages 34-37, illustrated : color, page 34.
– The Grand Central Art Gallery, New York, NY, exhibition catalog, “Memorial exhibition of Emil Carlsen, N. A. 1853-1932″, January 14-25, 1958, #16, not illustrated.
– Nineteen thirty two, “The significance of collecting” by G. Pratt, Grand Central Art Galleries, New York, NY, 1932, illustrated : b&w on page 4.
– Peter A. Juley & Son Collection, Archives and Special Collections, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, image #JUL J0047809.

Related works:
– China blue, 1924  [same still life items but different composition]

Depicted objects:
Tall Asian vase – 14753
Tall Asian vase – 15911
Ginger jar – 14733

ECA notes:
-Painted in New York, NY in 1931 [unknown citation].

– “The work depicts three variations of 18th century Chinese porcelain. On the far right is a Chinese blue and white porcelain yenyen vase, Kangxi period, circa 1700. At the far left is a Chinese ‘famille rose’ porcelain vase, Yongzheng/early Qianlong period, circa 1735-45. In the middle is a Chinese blue and white porcelain ginger jar, Kangxi period, circa 1720.” – Christie’s, 2018.

Price history:
2018 – $100,000 USD  [auction]
1987 – [unknown]  [retail]
ca.1975 – [unknown]  [retail]
1975 – [unknown]  [retail]
1958 – [unknown]  [retail]


Document information

Document permalink:

Digital-born document number:

Digital document provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document license:
Creative Commons Corporation  shareAlike (sa) license.  Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use.  It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image license:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record birth date:
February 5, 2014
