19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Orange mountain, ca.1912.

Emil Carlsen : Orange mountain, ca.1912.
Emil Carlsen : Orange mountain, ca.1912.


ECA Record Control Number: 3184

Archives of American Art #: -none-

Record Level: Item

Record Type: Movable work

Work Title: Orange mountain

Alternate Work Titles:
Orange mountain

Work Date: ca.1912 [dated based on earliest known possible exhibition date.]

Work Creator: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Work Medium: Oil on canvas
Work Dimensions: 33 x 38-1/2 inches | 33 x 38-1/4 inches

Inscribed/Signed Front: unknown

Verso: unknown

ECA Category: Landscape
ECA Sub-Category: Hills

Archives of American Art Subjects:
Landscape — Connecticut
Landscape — Connecticut — Windham
Landscape — Mountain

Description of Work:
“Horizontal composition of a mountain or large hill in Windham, CT. The canvas background is of clear light blue sky silhouetted by an overall orange-toned mountain that dominates the work. The mountain occupies the entire middle and foreground. There is one dark tree overlapped by a light color tree in the foreground middle right. The middle-ground has a subtly shadowed tree or rock line approximately one-third to one-half up on the canvas. The overall appearance is soft and harmonious.” [ECA]

ca.1990 Private collection of [unknown] ;
ca.1989 ( Altman/Burke Fine Art Inc. [1988-1995], 19 East 76 Street, New York, NY 10021 ) ;
ca.1978 Private collection of [unknown], Houston, TX ;
1978 ( Robert M. Rice Gallery [ca.1975-ca.1982], [ca.1978-ca.1982] 2010 South Post Oak Road, Houston, TX 77056 | [ca.1975-ca.1977] 2734 Virginia Street, Houston, TX 77098 ) ;
ca.1976 ( Webster Inc. Fine Art [ca.1970s], Chevy Chase, MD ) ;
ca.1974 Private collection of Joseph G. Fudali [1921-2003], Falls Village, CT ;
1966 Estate of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ;
before 1966 Estate of Dines Carlsen [1901-1966], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s son ;
1932 Luella Ruby May Carlsen [c.1869-before 1966], New York, NY, the artist’s wife ;
ca.1912 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition History:
1989-1990 Altman/Burke Fine Art Inc. [1988-1995], New York, NY, “The American landscape“, November 30, 1989 – January 16, 1990.
1978 Robert Rice Gallery, Houston, TX, “Robert Rice Gallery presents Emil Carlsen” also called “Paintings by American impressionist Emil Carlsen 1853-1932″, ? – November.
1913 State Fair of Texas Art Department, Dallas, TX, “Catalog of the art exhibition held at the state fair of Texas“, October 18 – November 2.

– “Soren Emil Carlsen: the hammershoi of Manhattan” by Kim Lykke Jensen, Narayana Press, Gylling, Denmark, 2008, illustrated: color, page 72, figure 54.
– Altman/Burke Fine Art Inc. [1988-1995], New York, NY, exhibition catalog, “The American Landscape“, November 30, 1989 – January 16, 1990, page 56-57, illustrated: color on page 57, shown as “Autumn hills”.
– Robert Rice Gallery, Houston, TX, exhibition catalog, “Robert Rice Gallery presents Emil Carlsen” also called “Paintings by American impressionist Emil Carlsen 1853-1932″, ? – November, #2, illustrated: color.
– State Fair of Texas Art Department, Dallas, TX, exhibition catalog, “Catalog of the art exhibition held at the state fair of Texas“, October 18 – November 2, 1913, #10, not illustrated.

Related Works:
– Orange hill, ca.1912. [original oil sketch for the painting]

ECA Notes:
– It is unclear if the 1913 State Fair exhibition showed this painting but based on that there are so few mountain paintings by Carlsen and that this painting was sold by another Texas Gallery later it makes sense. The catalog lists the painting as Autum hill at Windham. Needs more info to confirm.
– This is Windham, CT.

Price History:


Document Information

Document Permalink:

Digital-born Document Number:

Digital Document Provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document License:
Creative Commons Corporation shareAlike (sa) license. Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image License:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record Birth Date:
December 23, 2016

Last Update:
June 9, 2017