19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA


ECA control number: 28025 (old #21923)

Record level: Listing

Record type: Timeline year

Artist time line: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Year: 1878

Subject age: 30 years old

United States—Massachusetts—Boston

World news:
February, 1878: Thomas Edison patents the gramophone (phonograph).

Local news:
[unknown], 1878: The Gaiety Theatre opens in Boston.

– Emil Carlsen’s oldest brother, Janus Michael Carlsen [1843-1917] has a child, a son, Ketil Carlsen [1878-1941], Emil’s nephew.
– There are no exhibitions, mentions in the newspaper, or works dated from this year for Emil Carlsen while in Boston.
– Carlsen’s earned money teaching students privately from about mid-august 1877 through 1878.
– Carlsen is said to be so broke by the the end of 1878 that by 1879 he is forced to sell at auction but ends up owning money to the auction house.
– Phoebe Jenks (1847-1907), a year older than Emil, was one of his first students.

Paintings (0) :
– none –

Exhibitions (0) :
– none –

Articles (0) :
– none –

Work & documents: