Emil Carlsen : Drift of summer, ca.1908.
Drift of Summer, c.1908
Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches | 30-1/2 x 39 inches
Signed: ?
Archives of American Art #: 83940129
ca.1975 Private collection of [unknown] .
1975 ( Wortsman/Rowe Fine Arts, Inc. [1972-1975], 516 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California 94102 ) ;
1975 Estate of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ;
1966 Private collection of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ;
before 1966 Estate of Dines Carlsen [1901-1966], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s son ;
1932 Private collection of Luella May (Ruby) Carlsen [c.1869-before 1966], New York, NY, the artist’s wife ;
ca.1908 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .
1977 Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA, “Père et fils: Art of Emil and Dines Carlsen“, August 20 – October 23.
1975 Wortsman Rowe Galleries, San Francisco, CA, “The Art of Emil Carlsen: 1853-1932“, January 10-February 21; Rubicon Gallery, Los Altos, CA, January 17-February 28; The El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, TX, March 2-March 30; Robert Rice Gallery, Houston, TX, April 10-May; Coe Kerr Gallery, New York, NY, June-July; The Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, San Diego, CA, August 20-October 10; The Norton Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, FL, November-December.
1908 National Academy of Design, New York, NY, “Eighty-Third Annual Exhibition”, March 14 – April 18 (Needs further confirmation).
– “Soren Emil Carlsen: The Hammershoi of Manhattan” by Kim Lykke Jensen, Narayana Press, Gylling, Denmark, 2008, illustrated: color, page 77, figure 59.
– Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA, exhibition catalog, “Père et fils: Art of Emil and Dines Carlsen“, August 20 – October 23, 1977, #3, not illustrated, lent anonymously.
– Rubicon-Wortsman Pub., San Francisco, CA, Exhibition Catalog, ”Art of Emil Carlsen: 1853-1932”, 1975, #260.
– “Archive of Works by Emil Carlsen Compiled by Dines Carlsen”, 24 pages, hand-drawn sketches and notes by Dines, provided by Linda Hay, c1960, illustrated: B&W, page 17, #U76.
– National Academy of Design, New York, NY, Exhibition Catalog, “Eighty-Third Annual Exhibition”, March 14 – April 18, 1908, #278 (called Moonlight, Windham Hill), not illustrated. (Needs further confirmation).
– This maybe the painting referred to as Moonlight, Windham Hill, c.1908 shown at the National Academy. Needs more info to confirm.
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