19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Drifting lovers, ca.1883.

Emil Carlsen No Image


Drifting Lovers, c.1883
Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]
Oil on canvas?
? x ? inches

Signed: ?

Archives of American Art #: -none-

c.1883 Mr. James H. Dole [1824-1902], 337 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, IL
c.1883 Emil Carlsen, the artist


– Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL, “Mr J. H. Dole’s Collection of Paintings a Very Fine One.“, June 10, 1883, page 17, not illustrated.


Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL, “Mr J. H. Dole’s Collection of Paintings a Very Fine One.“, June 10, 1883, page 17, not illustrated.
…”A rather peculiar and finely finished study in color is by Mr. S. Emil Carlsen, a Dane, late of Chicago, and now of Boston, and a brother of the well-known distinguished artist of Copenhagen. In a little, gondola-prowed boat, its prow some inches out of the water, two lovers are seated, the oars lying idle under a mantle of crimson and orange, and the boat drifting whither it will:

Drifting, drifting, drifting away,
Into Hereafter’s twilight gray.

as Tom Hood, the younger, sings in one of his happiest songs. Sky, sea, and mountains are intensely blue, and only ope or two little white sales, like sea-gulls’ wings, which dot the surface to the right, relieve the other wise unbroken azure.”…

– Name of painting was derived from the article description. It is unknown what the real name of the painting was.

– James H. Dole [1824-1902] was one of Chicago’s first advocates for public art exhibitions, creating exhibitions from painters from America and Europe that would eventually become The Art Institutes yearly show.
