19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Still-life with bust and white roses, 1888.

Emil Carlsen : Still life with bust and white roses, 1888.
Emil Carlsen : Still life with bust and white roses, 1888.


ECA record control number: 2498

Archives of American Art #: -none-

Record level: Item

Record type: Movable work

Work title: Still life with bust and white roses

Alternate work titles:
Still life with bust and white roses

Work date: 1888 [date from front of canvas]

Work creator: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Work medium: Oil on canvas
Work dimensions: 36-1/4 x 26 inches

Inscribed/signed front:
Location: At lower right.
Dated: Yes.
Text: ‘[illegible dedication] / EMIL. CARLSEN. / Helen? Hyde? June 88’.

Verso: unknown

ECA category: Still life
ECA sub-category: Flowers

Archives of American Art Subjects:
Object — Flower
Object — Flower — Rose
Still Life
Still Life — Flower
Still Life — Flower — Rose

Description of work:

1996 Private collection of [unknown] ;
1996 ( Sotheby’s [1744- ], 1334 York Avenue, New York 10021 ) ;
before 1996 Private collection of [unknown] ;
1888 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition history:
1996 Sotheby’s, New York, NY, “Sale”, September 26.

– Sotheby’s, New York, NY, sale catalogue, “Sale”, September 26, 1996, lot #125.

Related works:
– Along the shore, Port Washington, CA, ca.1888.
– The boat house, 1888.

ECA notes:

– We believe this still life, Still life with bust and white roses, a one-off since the bust was not used in any other works, was painted in Port Washington, an Island off California while Carlsen stayed at his student Helen Hyde’s vacation home in June, 1888. Hyde had returned from Paris, disappointed that she was rejected from the famous Salon and went to live in San Francisco. While in San Francisco, she studied with Carlsen at the California School of Design (also called the San Francisco Art Association School and San Francisco School of Design) in 1887-1888. The painting was a gift to Helen for allowing Emil to stay with her. The dedication is illegible in our image, but we believe that this is dedicated to Helen Hyde [1868-1919]. The coloration and technique of this painting matches two other known works by Carlsen from that time from that Port Washington vacation.

Price history:
1996 – $29,900 USD [auction]


Document information

Document permalink:

Digital-born document number:

Digital document provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document license:
Creative Commons Corporation shareAlike (sa) license. Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image license:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record birth date:
February 14, 2014

Last updated: October 11, 2017 at 23:04 pm