19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : The black pot, 1928.

Emil Carlsen The Black Pot, 1928
Emil Carlsen The Black Pot, 1928


The Black Pot, 1928
Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]
Oil on canvas
20 x 24 inches

Signed: ?

Archives of American Art #: -none-

1966 Estate of Florence B.G.S. Carlsen, Falls Village, CT
1932 Luella May Carlsen, the artist’s wife
1929 Emil Carlsen, the artist


– “Archive of Works by Emil Carlsen Compiled by Dines Carlsen”, 24 pages, hand-drawn sketches and notes probably by Dines, provided by Linda Hay, c1960, illustrated: B&W, page 7.

– Painted in Fall Village, CT in 1928.
