19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Carl Peter August Schlichting-Carlsen [1852-1903] : Still-life with flowers in a vase, 1878.


ECA Record Control Number: 28716

Archives of American Art #: -none-

Record Level: Item

Record Type: Movable work

Work Title: Still life with flowers in a vase

Alternate Work Titles:
Still life with flowers in a vase

Work Date: 1878  [from front of painting]

Work Creator: Carl Peter August Schlichting-Carlsen [1852-1903]

Work Medium: Oil on canvas
Work Dimensions: 12-1/4 x 9-3/4 inches

Inscribed/Signed Front:
Dated: Yes.
Text: ’78 S Carlsen [the ‘S’ interlocked with ‘C’]’.
Location: At lower right.


Marking type: White typewritten label with rounded edges.
Location: At on canvas verso at lower middle.
Text: ‘SCHLICHTING-CALSEN, Carl Pe- / ter August / F. 16 okt 1852. D. 27 juli 1903 / i Flensburg I Hellebeck / Repr. pa Nat. Mus. / S-C borjade med stilleben och / blomstermaleri, men gick snart / over till landskapsmaleri. [SCHLICHTING-CALSEN, Carl Pe- / ter August / B. 16 Oct 1852. D. 27 July 1903 / in Flensburg In Hellebeck / Repr. on Nat. Museum / S-C began with still life and / flower painting, but soon left / over to landscape painting]’.

Marking type: Parchment paper with handwritten from a fountain pen.
Location: At center canvas verso.
Text: ‘Malad af / Schlichting – Carlsen / Dansk. [Made by Schlichting – Carlsen]’

ECA Category: Possible Mis-attributions
ECA Sub-Category:

Archives of American Art Subjects:

Description of Work:

2025 [ TBA ] ;
2025 ( Bonhams [1793- ], 7601 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90046 | 580 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10022 | 220 San Bruno Ave, San Francisco, CA 94103 ) ;
2014 Private collection of [unknown] ;
2014 Stockholms Auktionsverk [1674- ], Nybrogatan 32, Magazine 5, Globe / Sickla, Stockholm, Sweden ;
after 1872 Private collection of [unknown], Denmark.
1872 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition History:
2014 Stockholms Auktionsverk [1674- ] Stockholm Sweden Auction July 4.

– Stockholms Auktionsverk [1674- ] Stockholm Sweden Auction July 4 2014 item #254799 color : online.

Related Works:

ECA Notes:
This was initially thought to be either Emil Carlsen or his mother Ane Dorothea Raa [1813-1887] who studied painting privately with porcelain painter Johan Laurentz Jensen [1800-1856] of the Royal Copenhagen porcelain factory.  But, recently it has been revealed to be Carl Peter August Schlichting-Carlsen [1852-1903] who also worked at the Royal Copenhagen porcelain factory.  It is unclear if he learned from Jensen or was influenced by him as he was the most significant flower painter of Denmark at that time.

Price History:
2014 – 7,200 SEK ( $654 USD as of 2025 )  [auction] ;

Document Information

Document Permalink:

Digital-born Document Number:

Digital Document Provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document License:
Creative Commons Corporation shareAlike (sa) license. Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image License:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record Birth Date:
June 15, 2017
