19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Landscape (no.164), 1907.


Landscape (164), 1907 (unlocated)
Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]
Oil on canvas
30 x 25 inches

Signed: At lower left. ‘Emil. Carlsen. ’07.’.

Archives of American Art #: -none-

1923 American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York, NY
xxxx Estate of A. B. Meyer, New York, NY

1923 American Art Galleries, New York, NY, November 14-15.

– American Art Galleries, New York, NY, Sales Catalog, November 14-15, 1923, lot #164, illustrated: B&W.

– Auction catalog describes the painting as “White cloud billows bank high in a rich turquoise sky and their misty vapor below reaches to the horizon, which at left is marked by the level crest of a low hill, whose broad and gently inclining foreground flank is largely open field of greenish-yellow and brownish notes. In middle distance and on the right, in hollows to which the land falls away, the landscape is one of dense woods, the trees green and touched with autumn tints, and the whole observed in the sunshine of a soft summer haze.”

1923 – $750 USD.