19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Emil Carlsen : Seascape, ca.1931.

Emil Carlsen : Seascape, ca.1931.
Emil Carlsen : Seascape, ca.1931.


ECA record control number: 33598 (old #25666)

Archives of American Art #: -none-

Record level: Item

Record type: Movable work

Work title: Seascape  [from gallery label verso]

Alternate work titles:
1978 : Seascape  [from gallery label verso]

Work date: ca.1931 [date based on general palette and technique]

Work creator: Emil Carlsen [1848-1932]

Work medium: Oil on canvas
Work dimensions: 10 x 12 inches

Inscribed / signed front:
Location: At lower left.
Dated: No.
Text: ‘Emil Carlsen’.


Marking type: Printed and typewritten rectangular horizontal white gallery exhibition label.
Location: Painting protection backing at top area.
Text: ‘ARTIST: [printed] “EMIL SOREN CARLSEN N.A. (1853-1932) [typewritten] / SUBJECT: [printed] “Seascape” [typewritten] / SIZE: [printed] 10 X 12″ [typewritten] MEDIUM: [printed] Oil on canvas [typewritten] / Signed l.l.: “Emil Carlsen” [typewritten] / Illustrated: Philadelphia VIII catalogue, 1979 (#6) / (Photo H 783) [typewritten] / [logo-type] FRANK S. / SCHWARZ & SON / PHILADELPHIA / 1806 Chestnut Street, Phila., Pa. 19103 / Established 1930 [printed]’.

Marking type: Printed and typewritten rectangular horizontal white gallery exhibition label.
Location: Painting protection backing at top area, below Schwarz label.
Text: Marking type: Printed and typewritten rectangular horizontal white gallery exhibition label.
Location: Painting protection backing at top area.
Text: ‘NUMBER: RCA 1310 / ARTIST: Emil S. Carlsen / TITLED: Untitled / DEALER: Grant Jacks / LOCATION: 53rd Floor Stock / Oil on canvas, 10 x 12″, signed / l.l. Emil Carlsen, undated, J780 [all typewritten]’.

ECA Category: Waterscape
ECA Sub-Category: Surf

Archives of American Art Subjects:
Landscape — Rocks
Waterscape — Sea

Description of work:

Provenance / ownership:
2016 Private collection of Andrew West [?-?] & Nina Purviance West [?-?], Arlington, MA, by descent ;
2015 Private estate of Patricia Salter (West) Bradshaw [1920-2015], New York, NY | Palm Beach, FL, by decent ;
ca.1988 Private collection of Patricia Salter (West) Bradshaw [1920-2015], New York, NY | Palm Beach, FL, by descent ;
ca.1981 Private collection of Thornton Frederick Bradshaw [1917-1988] & Patricia Salter (West) Bradshaw [1920-2015], New York, NY | Palm Beach, FL ;
ca.1981-1988 ( Grant Jacks [1957-2002], curator in the ME/NH area with several gallery associations, including The Lakes Gallery [1981-?] and Baxter Gallery [1981-2002], possibly purchased by RCA Corporation as a gift to Thornton Frederick Bradshaw [1917-1988] who became the company CEO in 1981 ) ; [likely based on verso label]
1978 ( Frank S Schwarz and Son [1930- ], 1806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 ) ;
ca.1975 ( , 366 Broadway, New York, New York 10013 ) ; [possibly – needs confirmation from Schwarz & Son]
1975 Estate of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ; [possibly]
1966 Private collection of Florence B. G. S. Carlsen [1903-1974], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s daughter-in-law ; [possibly]
before 1966 Private estate of Dines Carlsen [1901-1966], Falls Village, CT, the artist’s son ; [possibly]
1932 Private collection of Luella May (Ruby) Carlsen [c.1869-before 1966], New York, NY, the artist’s wife ; [possibly]
1931 Emil Carlsen [1848-1932], the artist .

Exhibition history:
1979 Frank S Schwarz and Son Philadelphia PA “Philadelphia VIII catalogue“.

References / citations:
– Frank S Schwarz and Son, Philadelphia, PA, “Philadelphia VIII catalogue”, 1979, illustrated : b&w (#6).

Related works:

ECA notes:
– Images and ownership sent directly to the Emil Carlsen Archives via email on April 24, 2018 email id #B4CDE12A-3A1A-4763-84B0-D106A3965172@rcn.com.

Price history:


Document information

Document permalink:

Digital-born document number:

Digital document provenance:
Original compiled and researched document by the Emil Carlsen Archives, 266 West 21st Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10011.

Document license:
Creative Commons Corporation shareAlike (sa) license. Some of the information contained within this document may hold further publication restrictions depending on final use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine.

Image license:
The author of this artwork died more than 70 years ago. According to U.S. Copyright Law, copyright expires 70 years after the author’s death. In other countries, legislation may differ.

Record birth date:
April 24, 2018
